Mission & Philosophy
Our mission at Lighthouse Academy is to provide a positive, caring and supportive community where all students are successful.
Welcome to our web page! At Lighthouse Academy we provide an avenue for academic success for students by addressing personal needs and utilizing individualized curriculum with a flexible class schedule. Students are encouraged to work-hard and have a plan for life after high school. The alternative education program works to develop habits that help all students to be successful. A more specific goal is to provide an educational environment that may keep students from dropping out of school (or brings back students who previously dropped out), and this is accomplished through flexible, intensive behavioral supports, self-regulation, social and emotional supports, and intensive instruction and remediation to help students meet state and local graduation requirements. If this sounds like a plan for you, please visit your schools guidance counselor for more information about Lighthouse Academy!
Jenny Hester
Director Of Alternative Schools
News & Announcements
Current year graduation information